
日期:2023-09-19 19:02:59


推荐评分:2.0 - 剧情分类:三级论理

视频简介:本部作品《索多玛120天:前世与今生》制作于2023-09-19 19:02:59,属于三级论理的类型节目,主要讲的是The movie "120 days of Sodom" is the work of Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini shot written novels of the Marquis de Sade "Sodom one hundred twenty days or indulgence school," adapted from the movies. Pasolini original story the place from the 18th-century Swiss mountains Castle replaced by the 20th century, the end of World War II in northern Italy near collapse of the Salo Republic. The story of modern power and personal relationship, a metaphor of the consumer society. Paragraphs constitute the film borrows Dante's "Divine Comedy" is divided into "the gates of hell, the" metamorphosis hell "" manure Hell "and" blood hell chapters. The film is known as the first of the world's top ten banned film,影片广受观众喜爱,给出了2.0的高分,电影评论反馈好,值得一看。更多精彩请到久久精品国产99国产精品亚洲_精品久久久久久久久中文字幕_2020国产精品久久久久精品,无需下载,在线观看免费网址:【baiyou2008.com】
